Monday, February 24, 2003

aduss sakit kepala ku....
last nite dah ade owang banje makan pizza spaggeti ...BATUKKss..a.k.a fiance's fren + my colleague..His birthday actulally...dah byk ari tringin nak makan spaggettiiiii......
semalam dia dtg amik aku kat opis..kami pi umah nurul, rabu nih nurul dah nak fly balik australia..
aku tgh menulis sesuatu dlm notebook aku..actually menyalin nota pb dr buku kak ina...saja...asyik nak tertido dr pukul 2.30 tadi..
meeting seharian sampai jam 1.30..masa utk aku lunch dah nak abis dan perut nih rasa dah tak leh nak terima makanan sejak aku ternampak kemalangan jln raya di jln changlun pagi tadi...tiba² aje aku terasa dia ada dekat² sini...kemudian aku terdengar bunyi yg familiar sgt..enjin ketanya...he he aku yakin dia dah sampai..terus aku sms dia..
tapi masih tak puas hati, aku kuar dr bilik dan lihat tempat parking..yess he's here...
aku masuk balik...emm cuba sambung apa yg aku buat tadi..tapi fikiran aku sudah melayang..hahahha..penangan apa ini?
aku tak jadik tulis nota, aku kuar bagi dia ikea catalog, saja buat² isi masa lapang dia sementara tunggu opis hour abih..
baru jam 3.20 awal lagi..aku masuk balik....terus tak jadik study pb..aku continue checking mail etc.
tetiba ade owang ym aku...ha ha ha ros anita anto msg for the first time dia ym aku..tak penah²
so borak kejap sgt.sbb time aku nak balik dah baru nak ym.
sempat baca mail berita mini gathering ahli² netpat kat gazebo subang...just 4 ppl attend that meeting..
sian..mana pi semua owang..aku nih ye la dok jauh di SintOks..ha ha ha..
sometimes i feel senang sgt terikut² dengan cara org..
baru² nih aku dah terikut² stail gigle ha ha ha ... so i 4 the time being, my gelaks will sound like this la..ha ha ha..

Thursday, February 20, 2003

i'm out of idea how to start my writing...
last few days i'm mad of someone..
i think this is the first time i'm doing this...
i never mad to somebody like this...
just can't control of my feeling...
really hurt ! really really hurt...
i hope i can settle down as soon as possible...
may allah show me the way...

Monday, February 17, 2003

tOday...emmpp fenat la fenats..dr ari tu nak tulis tapi tak tertulis tulis..arghh bila ada masa nak tulisss nih?? heranss

Sunday, February 16, 2003

lapar la plak.......aargghhh
woo ari nih besday syamsul..hepi besday!! baru kejap tadik nurul call....lama giloss tak jumpa minah sowang tu...windu la plak..sat nak call dia nak ajak dia dtg sini..nak jumpa nurul...nurul dah nak balik australia 26 nih...
em...byk nak tulis...tak tau leh tulis ke tak?
em...tuko lagi sbb boring....

Monday, February 10, 2003

kamis..12.30 tgh
tok wan koma....aku terus balik....half day ...
dup dap ati aku bila dpt sms dr cik je pasal tokwan..
apa apa aku gi mkn dulu...lapar takut pengsan tgh jalan
abih lunch aku call tini ajak balik...
drive keta pun suspen jek...

sampai spital ..tak leh masuk...
sbb dr tgh check lagi..
isk isk...sebak rasanya di dada..
semua org dah ade kat spital...
aku tgk je..
mak memang cam tu..
slalu cool..
apsal aku je yg tak ikut mak.. weh...

aku nih tak leh tgk tokwan..
sbb ingat baru je 2 3 ari lepas..
jumpa tokwan..
salam tokwan
cium tangan tokwan
tokwan sihat lagi.
pegi sungai tangkul ikan
tiba2 ari nih tokwan terbaring di katil 1 wad h1
aduss pilu hati nih....

to be continued
dah nak baliks plak...
nak balik tgk tokwan...

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

By Myself - Linkin Park

What do I do to ignore them behind me?
Do I follow my instincts blindly?
Do I hide my pride from these bad dreams
and give into sad thoughts that are maddening?

Do I sit here and try to stand it?
Or do I try to catch them red-handed?
Do I trust some and get fooled by phoniness?
Or do I trust nobody and live in loneliness?
Because I can't hold on when im stretched so thin
I make the right move but im lost within
I put on my daily facade but then
I just end up getting hurt again

By myself (myself)
I ask why (but in my mind i find)
I can't rely on myself (myself)
I ask why (but in my mind I find)
I can't rely on my self

I can't hold on
(to what i want when i'm stretched so thin)
It's all too much to take in
I can't hold on (to anything watching everything spin)
With thoughts of failure sinking in

If I
turn my back I'm defenseless
and to go blindly seems senseless
If I hide my pride and let it all go on
Then they'll
Take from me till everything is gone
If I let them go then I'll be outdone
But if I try to catch them I'll be outrun
If I'm killed by the questions like a cancer
then I'll be buried in the silence of the answer

By myself (myself)
I ask why (but in my mind I find)
I can't rely on myself (myself)
I ask why (but in my mind I find)
I can't rely on myself
I can't hold on (to what i want when i'm stretched so thin)
It's all too much to take in
I can't hold on (to anything watching everything spin)
With thoughts of failure sinking in

How do you think
I've lost so much
I'm so afraid
I'm out of touch
How do you expect
I will know what to do
When all I know
Is what you tell me to

Don't you (know)
I can't tell you how to make it (go)
No matter what it do, how hard I (try)
I cant seem to convince myself (why)
I'm stuck on the outside

Don't you (know)
I can't tell you how to make it (go)
No matter what it do, how hard I (try)
I cant seem to convince myself (why)
I'm stuck on the outside

I can't hold on (to what I want when I'm stretched so thin)
It's all to much to take in
I can't hold on (to anything watching everything spin)
With thoughts of failure sinking in

I can't hold on (to what I want when i'm stretched so thin)
It's all to much to take in
I can't hold on (to anything watching everything spin)
With thoughts of failure sinking
ari nih pepagi lagi aku siapkan nota mic.excel 2000..makcik nak kena ngajor la plak...emm lambat lae tapik kena wat nota awal..nak submit ke pendaftar 6 hb tgh tak de keje la plak..lupo nak wak mai riben kalau dak leh le wat bunger telur sesambil..

emm semalam dia dtg :) windu sgt! best woo dpt jumper...dlm kul 3 dia sampai...pegi mkn kenduri kak yusrita..
pastu lepak kat umah japs..tgk senario gong xi, pas asar kuar pegi kpg bohor anto baju mak dia. mak aii punya le ramahnya makngah dia...citer macam2 sampai dekat kul 7...ia ia nak balik sbb nak tgk strom rider kat umah.

elok2 jek sampai storm rider dah start, ayah soh goreng pisang..mkn gorpis la semalam sambil nonton! eheks..
best wooo lepak ngan dia + mak ayah best...
abis jek storm rider SOLat...
pas tu musa, muaz, muiz dtg ..ngan mak ayah diaorg...borak japs..
tgk abg mahmud ok jek la salam2 ngan dia ;)
emm bagus la kalau macam tu kan kan..
kiterorg trus kuar gi pacific...beli milO dan dot dot dot...hahaha apa bende tu?
skali ade plak owang jual frame ayat quran murah la plak...frame warna emas yg besar la jugak RM50 je..
call mak tanya nak tak..mak soh kiterorg borong sampai 4..
dia beli 2 aku amik 2 satu utk ija satu utk mak...
:D diri sendri nak beli nak taruk mana????
kes kes kes..

balik dr pacific mkn nasik kat umah..pastu dia trus balik...
emm....rasa cam kejap jek jumpa...uwaa..bab nih yg tak best nih ...
kenapa la dia balik?
hahaha lagi mau tanya ka...sbb dia kena balik la...tak kan tido umah plak...

aku tgk the replacement killer pas dia balik...tgk sowang2, ayah tgk jugak..tapi mata pejam..hehe..
sambil2 jahit bunge tu..dpt la dlm 31 kuntum. abih je citer tu..naik atas konon2 nak tido...
ala..tak leh plak pejam mata nih...ingat kat dia jek...
awat la jadik lagu nih??
hehehe angauuu...
call dia tak balik lagi la plak...
emm...turun balik..tgk mtv 2003
sampai kul 1.30 am...tak ngantuks gak..
naik atas wat2 pejam mata...
dan akhirnya terlelap juaaa...