Monday, October 24, 2011

x sabar nak tunggu weekend!!

sebagai hadiah utk anak2 mama & abah yg berjaya dlm exam.. weekend ni kita p cuti2..
kat mana? hahaha dekat je..xleh p jejauh..mama dah xlarat nak jalan2 sgt..
hotel dah booked.. so kita tunggu weekend ni...
hmmmm anak2 belum tau plan mama & abah..bila sampai waktunya nanti mesti teruja 2 bradik tu...hehheh
sronok dpt surprisekan diorg.. sama macam mana diorg surprisekan mama & abah..tq kids...both of u are special!!

the third updates

 :: new clothes 4 the third..
:: is 32 weeks..
:: actives in mama's tummy..

my fabulous kids!

well done my kids.. luv u both! syukur ya allah!!
farisya's result

alyssa's result